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Summer Bucket List

As a Together Counts™ ambassador, we love sharing healthy ideas that are fun for the whole family! We also love that the temperature is starting to get warmer. Summer is so close we can almost taste it! And by taste, we mean all of the delicious and healthy foods that are in season during this time of year. Take advantage of seasonal foods like berries, summer squash, tropical fruits and corn. Now is peak growing season, which means each is packed with delicious flavor and freshness.

In addition to making it a priority to try these fresh foods, there are other health and nutrition oriented activities that we recommend now that the temperature is rising. Check out our Summer Bucket List below for health and nutrition related activities to do as a family this summer. And, enjoy this free coloring sheet from The OrganWise Guys to kick of a healthy summer!

  1. Take a Family Walk –walks are not only an excellent time to bond with your family, but a great time to get in exercise too. If you have a park or hiking spot nearby, consider walking there to get out and enjoy nature. Live in a city? Make it an urban walk and enjoy the sights and sounds!
  2. Plant a Garden – gardening and watering plants is another example of physical activity to enjoy with the family. Decide to plant a garden as a family, including choosing where the garden will be and what fruits and vegetables to grow. Spend time together watching your garden grow over the summer months. Finally, you will be able to enjoy the “fruits” of your labor in late summer/early fall by trying your homegrown foods. Not only is this a physical activity, but it also involves learning about healthy eating.
  3. Visit a Health/Science Museum – for days that it’s just too hot to be outside, look up local health or science museums to visit and spend the day with your family learning and interacting together. Afterwards, discuss as a family what you learned.
  4. Play in a Sprinkler, Pool or Beach – water activities and summer go hand-in-hand! Be sure to visit a pool, beach or use sprinklers in your own back yard to cool off from the heat. While getting lots of exercise playing, be sure to stay hydrated too!

Summer is a fantastic time to get outside, be active and enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables!

The OrganWise Guys Inc. began in 1993 with a vision to inspire individuals to take charge of their health by assuming personal responsibility for their choices. By bringing the body to life via lovable organ characters, kids of all ages learn what it really means to be smart from the inside out.

For more ideas on how to get your family active this summer, check out these articles from Together Counts!

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