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American Heart Month: Love Your Heart, Eat Your Seafood

February is American Heart Month, a month dedicated to raising awareness about cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke, which remains the leading global cause of death each year.

Seafood Nutrition Partnership aims to reduce the risks of heart disease by educating Americans about the health benefits of seafood and building awareness of seafood’s essential nutritional value. Specifically, eating seafood twice a week has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.

In fact, a Mediterranean diet that includes seafood at least twice a week risk of heart disease by as much as 30 percent, according to the New England Journal of Medicine.

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in seafood, help your heart in several ways. They curb inflammation in the blood vessels (and the rest of your body). At high doses they also make abnormal heart rhythms less likely and lower your level of blood fats called triglycerides. Finally, they can slow plaque buildup inside the blood vessels.

Additionally, the American Heart Association recommends 1 gram a day of EPA plus DHA for people with heart disease. Eating oily fish is best, but your doctor might recommend a fish oil capsule. If you’ve had a heart attack, a prescription dose of omega-3s may help protect your heart. Some studies show fewer heart attacks and fewer heart disease deaths among heart attack survivors who boosted their levels of omega-3. Click here to learn which fish is the richest in omega-3s.

Take the Pledge to Eat #Seafood2xWk
Eating seafood regularly can save lives and significantly improve overall health. Consuming two servings each week, as recommended by leading health organizations including the American Heart Association, is an easy way to make a positive commitment to your health and the health of those around you. Click here to take the pledge.

Need somewhere to start? Try this salmon recipe delivers in taste, affordability, and omega-3s.

Cumin Scented Salmon with Black Bean Stew
Created By Chef Kelly Armetta, Hyatt Regency Boston
Serves: 4
Cost Per Recipe: $12.16
Omega-3 Per Serving: 500-2000 mg

• 2 Tbsp. olive oil, divided
• 1 Tbsp. cumin, ground
• 1 Tbsp. coriander seed, crushed
• 1 lb. salmon filet
• To taste salt & pepper (S&P)
• ¼ cup onions, raw, white or yellow, chopped
• 2 Tbsp. garlic, chopped
• 1 poblano pepper, chopped
• To taste chili flakes
• 1-14.5 oz. canned tomato, chopped
• 1-15.5 oz. black beans, low sodium
• 1 1/2 cups water
• 1 Tbsp. cilantro, fresh, chopped
• 2 green onions, chopped
• 1 lime, juiced

1. Cook Salmon: Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a heavy skillet on medium heat.
2. Mix together cumin and coriander seed, season fish with spices and S&P. Save some spice mix.
3. Add salmon to skillet and cook on each side for 3-4 minutes.
4. Make Black Bean Stew: Meanwhile, heat remaining oil (1 tablespoon) in another pan and add onions and garlic. Cook for 3 minutes.
5. Add peppers and chili flakes.
6. Add saved spiced mix from Step 2. Cook until aroma starts to smell.
7. Add tomatoes and allow tomatoes to start to sear.
8. Add black beans and water. Simmer for 10 minutes.
9. Add cilantro, scallions and lime juice. Add S&P. Cook for 2 minutes.
10. Place black beans in individual bowls and add salmon portion on top.
11. Serve and enjoy!

Seafood Nutrition Partnership is a 501(c)3 with a mission to inspire a healthier America through partnerships and outreach to raise awareness about the essential nutritional benefits of eating seafood.

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