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Family Dinners and Children’s Weight Loss

It is the haunting nightmare of every career-driven mom and dad: You work to give your child the best life possible, but somehow don’t actually take a moment to see them grow up. Somehow, everything gets lost in the shuffle, and before you know it your child is not a child anymore. Some of this cannot be helped, but as a partner of the Together Counts™ program for active, healthy living we know there are things that can be maintained, and your children’s health is one thing you must keep tabs on.

Childhood obesity is a broad topic with many solutions but for now we are specifically focusing on the concept of having family dinners. Before considering a weight loss program for kids, begin with having family dinners. Family dinners are important, and we all know that, but you may be surprised just how important they are.

How many of us can actually follow through with having full family dinners, when we are juggling work and who knows what else? Making adjustments for the sake of your career is not a crime. However, when your child is struggling with obesity, it is crucial that some counter-adjustments be made, and making sure to have family dinners is one of them. If your child does not sit down and eat with you every night, he or she could turn to less healthy meal substitutes. Weight loss for children becomes significantly easier when family dinners are served, yet so many ignore this because of their adult careers.

One good solution for this is to have breakfast earlier, and dinner later, than you might normally, and to encourage your child to finish the whole meal. If a child knows they will have to finish their dinner later, and if they are filled up a little from breakfast, they will be much less likely to snack around lunch time.

When the weekend comes, maintain that dinner time. If you choose to have earlier dinners on the weekend, it may throw your kid off schedule. In the interim between lunch and dinner, do a fun outdoor activity that keeps them active and their mind off dinner until it’s time to eat.

Healthy weight loss for kids does not have to be so hard! Family dinners makes your kid’s weight loss that much easier. But remember, family dinners are something they should look forward to. Do not do paperwork at the table, and do not allow them to play video games or otherwise negatively engage their attention while they are eating.

Another option on weekends is to spend time cooking the dinner with your child. Your kid will develop a sense of self-sufficiency, and will be more likely to cook themselves healthy dinners on the nights that you just can’t make it home.

There are some things that must be sacrificed when one or both parents are working. But remember, your children’s weight loss in the face of obesity is critical. For the sake of their future you’ve worked for, give them the gift of family dinners, and give them the gift of a little more of your time. It will lead to a significantly healthier, happier child, without a shred of doubt.

Bon Appetit!

David Ettenberg is the founder and president of Camp Shane, with locations in New York, Arizona, California, Georgia and Texas. He is a certified camp director, as well as a member of the National Camp Association and the New York State Camp Director’s Association. David is a recognized expert on weight loss camps and loved by thousands of parents and campers for his life-changing work for more than 44 years.

For more healthy ideas take a look at these other posts from Together Counts!

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