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How to Keep Active in the Winter Months: Celebrate Family Fun Nights, Indoors

My husband and I have never been to a tropical island for a stress-free vacation, so visiting places like Jamaica, Hawaii and Tahiti are on our «life list.»

Until then, we try to decompress from the week with Family Fun Night: usually celebrated on a Friday or Saturday night at our house, when we make it a point to slow down, play a couple of video games together, get in some physical activity, and overall help us each decompress from a very busy school/work week.

It also gives us the chance to pretend as if:

  • I can go canoeing, power cruising or wake boarding, without fear of hurting myself.
  • Fun is completely free (oh wait – it is!)

Also, there is little or almost no organizing involved in a night of family fun!

  • Grab your favorite “activity based” video game
  • Push living room table aside
  • Toss some popcorn in the microwave for a little bit of snacking
  • Put on some comfy clothes and gather the family together

The Together CountsTM program encourages family activity and playing active video games together is also a great way to get a little extra cardio and have a few laughs together. You can even add more physical activity to the mix, by challenging anyone waiting for their turn to do jumping jacks, yoga or whatever your family likes. It’s a great way to keep the competition going in a fun and healthy way.

On days when the weather outside is dreadful or the snow just keeps on coming it doesn’t take long for cabin fever to set in!

Here’s the really good part: the dress code is optional, but pajamas are highly recommended.

How do you create family fun night in your house?

For more family night inspiration, check out these Together Counts’ resources:

Liz started blogging at This Full House in 2003 (when blogging was still in diapers) to connect with other parents, share stories and feel a little less disconnected with life outside her front door, beyond all the dust bunnies and diapers.

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