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Soccer for Success

We all know it is important for children to be healthy and physically active. Nevertheless, teaching children these practices so they make healthy choices on their own is not always easy. However, with resources from the Together Counts™ program and tips from the U.S. Soccer Foundation, we hope you will find fun ways to teach your children how to balance their energy and live healthy lives!

We believe in the importance of inspiring healthy and active living, and are excited to work with the Together Counts program to encourage healthy lifestyles to as many children and families as possible.

Currently, we are teaching children how to live healthy and active lives through our Soccer for Success program. Soccer for Success is a free afterschool program that uses soccer as a tool to address children’s health issues and juvenile delinquency, while promoting healthy lifestyles in urban underserved communities. The program incorporates lessons on healthy habits, and coach-mentors encourage participants to incorporate these habits into their daily lives.

The four components of Soccer for Success – physical activity, nutrition, mentorship and family engagement – all contribute to teaching kids how to live healthy and active lives. These components work in unison for success, just as the Together Counts program’s “energy in” and “energy out” concepts work together as a reminder for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The Soccer for Success component of physical activity is a critical part of the “energy out” portion of the healthy lifestyle equation. Soccer for Success engages participants in 90-minute sessions of moderate to vigorous physical activity at least three days per week, for 24 weeks a year.

While kids are exerting energy, they are also learning about healthy eating habits. The activities at Soccer for Success practices combine soccer skills and nutrition education so children are getting “energy out” while learning how to put the right kind of energy in. Physical activity and nutritious foods will not only improve your children’s health, but will help improve their overall wellbeing.

Get a closer look into the “energy out, energy in” component of Soccer for Success by checking out the quote and photo below!

“The fact that she was a more positive influence in her peer group by the end of the season is a success.  Sarah may never play in the FIFA World Cup but she will contribute in a positive manner to her school, her family, and her community.” –Sarah’s Soccer for Success Coach-Mentor

We have a great time teaching children how to be healthy and are sure that you will too, especially with the help of the Together Counts resources. Be sure to check them out for creative ways on how to keep your children active!

The mission of the U.S. Soccer Foundation is to enhance, assist and grow the sport of soccer in the United States, with a special emphasis on underserved communities. We view soccer as a powerful vehicle for social change. By supporting the development of places to play, places to grow and places to learn, our goal is to ensure that children in underserved communities have easy and affordable access to quality soccer programs that support their physical and personal development.

For more fun ways to practice energy balance, take a look at these other articles from Together Counts!

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