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10 Turkey Crafts for Your Gang

As winter draws near, outside time together becomes rare around our house. We compensate with arts and crafts that we can do together as a family. These 25 turkey crafts are all easy to make before or on Thanksgiving and will give you and your little ones time together to strengthen family bonds, which is what Together CountsTM is all about. The crafts are broken down into five categories, and if you click on the title of the craft you will be taken to the step by step instructions.

Fun Food Related Crafts

Hand and Foot Print Turkeys

Colorful Turkeys

Turkey Crafts That Teach

Fine and Gross Motor Fun

I try to include my kids in as much of the brainstorming and decision making about what crafts we make, especially around holidays. When it comes to our crafts, it’s not always about doing it a specific way or right and wrong. It’s about having fun together, learning from each other and having a final product in our hands the entire family can be proud of.

What are your family’s favorite holiday crafts and activities?

Allison McDonald is the mom and former preschool teacher behind No Time For Flash Cards, a blog filled with learning and play for young kids. When she isn’t blogging about crafts and learning you can find her running with friends or exploring the forests around her home with her two kids. Allison lives outside of Seattle with her daughter, son and husband.

For more holiday fun, check out these great Together Counts’ resources:

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