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Energy Balance by Design

Product placement is a popular buzz word in the marketing arena, and the retail industry has become experts in it and its powerful influence on consumer behavior. As a mom and nurse, I decided to formulate a “product placement” plan of my own to create the opportunity for my family to make optimal health and wellness choices. To be powerfully effective, I set out to do what advertisers and retailers do every day – I created top notch marketing approach in my very own home! Check out some simple but game-changing ideas.

Redesign for Access to Power Foods

The first impression should be the nutritious food choice when entering the kitchen. Prominently place the fruit bowl on the table or at the end of the bar. Store vegetables in easy to open plastic containers on the front shelf of the refrigerator at eye level. Clear containers highlight the vivid colors of fresh produce. For an eye-catching effect, keep the stems on the fresh items. For example, carrots with stems allow for fun, larger-than-life snacks. Pre-cut fruit wedges are a perfect topper for glistening glasses of water-making the drinks tropical and exotic. Use candy bowls to store nuts or trail mix.

Creative Storage Fosters Physical Activity

For example, bats, balls and jump ropes stored in baskets or bins near the door or immediately inside the garage will attract interest. Mounts placed on the walls of the garage or bedroom can be used to adorn skateboards, lacrosse or other sporting equipment. Busts or mannequins can showcase goggles, scuba equipment and helmets.

Display Action Photos

Instead of posed family photos, dig out photos of mom, dad, grandparents, favorite aunts and uncles swinging a bat, white water rafting or running a marathon. Embrace personal examples of healthy, active habits. Your children will gravitate towards your experiences and successes.

Relish in the fact that you are steering your children to be prodigious consumers of health and wellness. How do you apply savvy personal product placement in your home?

Andrea Williamson-English is a member of the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) and is a Georgia school nurse with a passion for health and wellness. Her mission is to educate students, families and educators to achieve optimal health as a foundation to academic excellence. Utilizing her Psychology background, she inspires change using intrinsic motivation. Her school participates in the Healthy Schools Program (Alliance for A Healthier Generation) and the NASN School Childhood Obesity Prevention and Education Program. She is the co-author of Million Dollar Mom and has been recognized as the Hall County School Nurse of the Year. Thanks to her efforts, Chestnut Mountain Creative School of Inquiry has been recognized with the Healthy Halls Award by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.

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