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Today I pledge to...

Be an Example

Pre-dawn runs, ice baths, the constant, distinct aroma of muscle relieving cream, blackened toenails (and a few that were lost all together), a diet of energy bars, gels and goos, and the oddest tan lines you’ve ever seen (thanks to the kinesiology I wore to support my knees)… these are the sort of things that happen when you are a runner – these are the sort of things I expected to happen.

What I didn’t expect to happen? That my kids would start to look forward to my daily runs just as much as I did. That my kids would see me lacing up my running shoes and ask if they could come. That my kids would ask when it was their turn to run. It never occurred to me and I never realized that doing something for me would inspire them so much. Suddenly my hobbies of running, cycling, mountain-biking and swimming have become our hobbies.

Because of the example I have set I can now proudly say that my family and I (and we’re talking me, the hubbs, my six and four-year-old boys and even the two-year-old princess) are currently “in training.” Because let’s face it, it’s so much easier to get motivated to be physically active when you’re “training,” as opposed to having to exercise. There’s something about calling it “training” that somehow, someway makes making healthy meal choices, taking walks, going for bike rides and even the occasional jog around the block…actually fun, even for the kids. So find a hobby, something physically active that YOU love. Maybe it’s running, biking, swimming, walking, roller blading, soccer, hiking, tennis, ultimate Frisbee, horseback riding or racquetball – the possibilities really are endless! Who knows… your kids may surprise you and fall in love with it too.

What are the fun activities your family enjoys doing together?

Kelly Lewis is a crushed ice loving, world-traveling, bike riding, apron wearing, snowboarding, fabric obsessed, marathon training, Disneyland loving, sparkle skirt wearing, surprisingly shy triathlete, REAL Orange County housewife and mama of three, with ADD crafting tendencies and an MBA degree.

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