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Breakfast: A Prerequisite for Learning

by Together Counts PartnerMarch 3, 2015

By: Rob Bisceglie, CEO Action for Healthy Kids By now the fact is well established that eating breakfast has countless positive physical and educational outcomes for children. However, not all […]


Planning for a Healthy Summer

by Together Counts PartnerFebruary 24, 2015

It’s only February so summer certainly seems a long way off, however, now is the time to start thinking about the options that are available for kids. Many organizations already […]


Create a New Nutrition Plan for You and Your Family in the New Year

by Together Counts PartnerFebruary 17, 2015

It’s that exciting time again – we have a new year ahead of us and a blank slate for accomplishing goals. Moms across the country are pledging to “drop a […]


Treat Your Family Well for American Heart Month

by Together Counts PartnerFebruary 10, 2015

If you aren’t already, it’s time for you and your family to start enjoying a heart-healthy diet!  This diet may have earned a reputation as something of a bland way […]


New Year’s Resolutions from Evette Rios

by Together Counts PartnerJanuary 29, 2015

If you are like me, chances are you have a resolution to get in shape in the New Year. It’s one of the top resolutions in America. For me, like […]


5 Ways for Indoor Active Play

by Together Counts PartnerJanuary 22, 2015

As a Together Counts™ ambassador, I’m always looking for new ways to play with my little ones. When the weather gets colder, being active together definitely requires more effort. If […]


Resolutions That Count: 3 Ways to Stay Active as a Family in the New Year

by Together Counts PartnerJanuary 15, 2015

Happy New Year! If you’re like most of us, you made a list of things you’d like to change this year, but as a Together Counts™ Energy Balance Ambassador, I’ve […]


Trying New Activities as a Family

by Together Counts PartnerJanuary 8, 2015

We are Utah girls, and the winters here are long, with snowfall from October until April each year. With little ones, sometimes it feels like we are very literally trapped […]


6 Ways to Find Balance over the Holidays

by Together Counts PartnerDecember 23, 2014

  The holiday meal is typically one of the biggest of the year filled with foods like pies, crescent rolls, creamed corn, and much more. No matter how health-conscious we […]


5 Ways to Cure Holiday Break Boredom

by Together Counts PartnerDecember 18, 2014

The holiday season is upon us and with it comes the much anticipated holiday break from school. With so much free time, kids tend to get stir crazy when just hanging out in […]