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Stay Happy & Healthy This Summer

by Together Counts PartnerJuly 21, 2017

With the kids home for the summer and all the fun outdoor activities, sometimes it can be difficult to keep those meals packed with nutritious fruits and vegetables. Check out […]


5 Veggies You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

by Together Counts PartnerJune 22, 2017

Trying to eat more veggies? While lettuce, tomatoes, corn and carrots make your grocery list and ultimately make it to your breakfast, lunch or dinner plate, think about changing up […]


3 Reasons Why Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day for Kids

by Together Counts PartnerJune 20, 2017

Do your kids routinely eat breakfast each morning? Eating a balanced breakfast offers a wealth of health benefits, both physical and mental, for the whole family. As a Together Counts™ […]


Make the Dairy Aisle Your Destination for the Perfect-Sized Snack

by Together Counts PartnerJune 15, 2017

It’s clear we’ve become a nation of people who love their snacks and often opt for smaller meals throughout the day. With many people aiming for a well-balanced diet that […]


3 Ways to Add Protein to Your Meal Plan

by Together Counts PartnerJune 8, 2017

Food trends come and go, but protein’s popularity doesn’t seem to be fading any time soon. As a partner of the Together Counts program promoting healthy, active living, we know […]


Eating on a Budget? Remember the 3 P’s!

by Together Counts PartnerMay 16, 2017

When it comes to balancing the budget, your weekly food shop is one area where you can find significant savings if you follow some quick and simple ideas. As partners […]


What is a Functional Food?

by Together Counts PartnerMay 9, 2017

Functional foods are one of the biggest trends right now, but chances are you’re already incorporating these foods into your daily diet for flavor and health – especially if you […]


Meal Planning for the “On the Go” Kid

by Together Counts PartnerMarch 30, 2017

By Sydney Antolini, Camp Shane Georgia Nutrition Instructor When families are on the run, they need something to ‘grab and go,’ or something that is readily available so they can eat quickly and rush off […]


4 Questions and Answers about Protein

by Together Counts PartnerMarch 28, 2017

All calories come from four places in our diets: carbohydrates, fat, protein and alcohol. In the 1990s, low-fat diets and foods were everywhere you turned and, more recently, carbs have […]


15 Ideas to Help Your Family “Put Your Best Fork Forward”

by Together Counts PartnerMarch 23, 2017

Today’s world is very tuned into food. With cooking shows on TV at all hours of day and night, restaurants serving just about any kind of food you can think […]