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Creating Memories in the Kitchen with Your Kids

If you have kids, you probably have similar struggles as many other families—including getting your kids involved in meal and snack prep. Ideally they’re not only involved, but also comfortable and excited to help in the kitchen. As a Together Counts™ partner for healthy, active living, we’re here to tell you that the struggles are worth the outcome because cooking with your children can be one of the best ways to bond, and it is definitely a fun time for all!

Children of all ages can assist in the kitchen, from toddlers helping with simple prep work to older kids and teens learning advanced cooking skills. No matter where your kids are on the kitchen skill scale, it’s time to get cooking together! We gathered a few top tips from our Food Network friends and outlined five simple ways for you to make the kitchen a happy place for everyone. Keep these tips on hand by adding them to your fridge or kitchen area!


  • Create a kid’s cooking station. Have the children at a different table/counter for less commotion and interference.
  • Start small. Give toddlers and younger children simple tasks such as stirring or rinsing. As they age, their tasks will advance as well.
  • Give yourself time. Take advantage of weekends or days off school to whip up some recipes and explore the kitchen with your kids.
  • Create the menu together. Encourage kids to get inspired by cookbooks, blogs and websites for recipes and foods to try – they will be more invested in the prep if they help chose the meal.
  • Not all kids can or like to cook, so amend their tasks. Non-cooking kids can still interact with the chef by washing, cleaning or setting and clearing the table.

How do you get the kids involved in the kitchen? Do they have a favorite task to help with or lead on their own?

This post is brought to you by the National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association—find more great recipes, meal ideas and tips at EasyHomeMeals.com!

For more ideas to get the entire family involved in the cooking process, check out these other articles:

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