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End of School Energy Balance

My oldest son William is about to finish first grade. Honestly, I don’t know where the time has gone. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was signing him up for preschool and was nervous watching him walk in with his backpack (that was about the size of him!) and lunch bag. He’s now a little man, almost my height, loves learning and is sad that this school year is coming to an end.

As with most schools, there are weekly end-of-year activities at William’s school. There’s his first grade play next week and a “Tour of Rhode Island” the following week. The last week of school ends with a big Field Day (which all the kids just love!). My son loves it when I’m involved in his class, so I signed up to volunteer at all of these events. Personally, I’m thrilled to see his school create events and activities for the kids that keep them moving and active and am particularly excited about the “Tour of Rhode Island” and Field Day. I think it’s wonderful that my son’s school is getting the kids out of their seats and making them move.

Our “Tour of Rhode Island” field trip will lead the kids to two different landmarks in the city. We live in such a small area that we can cover the entire state on this trip. We’ll stop in Providence, where the kids will enjoy a walking tour of historic town, and Jamestown. It’s great because the kids will get that perfect balance of activity and education, all without them really knowing it! We’ll also stop for lunch in Jamestown, one of the most gorgeous seaside cities ever! The kids will eat their lunches while overlooking the water and truly take in the beauty of the state in which they live. This is my kind of energy balance!

Field Day is something my son can’t stop talking about! I remember Field Day at my own elementary school and it was the best day ever! There will be tons of different activities set-up outside – kick ball, potato sack races, tug-of-war, hopscotch, jump roping, three legged races, 100 yard dash, hurdles, etc. It’s a time when the kids will experience a full day of activity and have fun doing it, which is the best kind. The school asks for parents to help supervise different stations, so I’m thoroughly excited to do my part. It’s going to be such a wonderful day!

You know, as a mom, I love seeing there’s energy balance within the activities at my son’s school. It’s “calories in, calories out” in a very fun and experiential way. I think it’s amazing they’re promoting active and healthy lifestyles in school and teaching kids the importance of being active and staying in motion.

What activities are your kids looking forward to at the end of the school year? Share in the comments!

Audrey McClelland, a social media consultant and brand advocate is the founder of MomGenerations.com, an online destination for mothers. She is the mother of four boys – William (6), Alexander (5), Benjamin (4) and Henry (3). She speaks frequently on the topic of motherhood, fashion/beauty and social media at blogging conferences, Twitter conferences and social media mixers. She lives in Providence, RI with her husband and four sons.

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