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Four Grab-and-Go Breakfast Options

By Kamilah Guiden at FoodInsight.org

Do you rush out the door in the morning and need a quick, nutritious breakfast? Don’t worry, you don’t have to pull out the waffle iron or omelet maker to have a decent breakfast. As a partner of the Together Counts™ program for healthy, active living we realize how important breakfast is to jump-start your day, but understand that time can sometimes hinder our ability to get the nutrition we need. Here are four easy, quick, and healthful options to help everyone (not just morning people) fuel up properly.

Oatmeal: It’s the one thing I always have in my pantry. The perfect grab-and-go breakfast, it’s low in saturated fat, and it keeps me full for hours. Oatmeal wins in the fiber department. One cup of cooked oatmeal has 16 percent of daily recommended fiber. Oatmeal is also rich in other vitamins and minerals, like iron, vitamin A, vitamin B6, magnesium and calcium.  Pop some oatmeal in the microwave mixed with water or milk, cook for two minutes, brush your teeth, and it’s done! Add some slivered almonds for a boost of healthy fats to round out the meal.

Cottage Cheese:
Cottage cheese makes for a tasty and protein-packed breakfast. Just one cup of cottage cheese offers more than 23 grams of protein. And because it’s in the dairy family, it also has calcium, which supports bone and muscle health. To lower saturated fat intake, consider swapping in low- and non-fat options. Keep individual containers of cottage cheese in the fridge to grab before going out the door. Pair with an apple or pear for some added fiber.


Hard-Boiled Eggs: Hard-boiled eggs are an easy, nutritious breakfast option.. Throw some in boiling water and in 10 minutes they’re ready to eat. Eggs have many nutritional benefits. They have nearly every letter in the vitamin alphabet (A, B, D, E, K), and a plethora of vitamins and minerals like choline, biotin, folic acid, iron, and calcium. Eggs also have some healthful fats like polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat. These healthy components come together to support immune health, the cardiovascular system, cell growth, and regulate the metabolism. If you’re having eggs for breakfast, combo it with some fruit or…

Granola: Whether it’s packaged or homemade, granola is an easy grab-and-go breakfast. Granola is also endlessly customizable: Coconut flakes, walnuts or your favorite nut, raisins or other dried fruit, honey, vanilla, and chocolate are just a few options. If you can’t find the right granola, make your own! The main ingredient in granola is oats. Add other ingredients for a myriad of nutritional benefits. Nuts add protein and heart healthy fats. Raisins and other dried fruits offer fiber and antioxidants. Granola bars are another great option and easy to leave on your counter for an on-the-go choice. If you prefer loose granola, pre-portion it out in containers or small bags, and grab when you’re ready to go.

So when you’re in a rush tomorrow morning, take a minute to grab one of these options before being on your way.

Visit FoodInsight.org breakfast resources here.

Kamilah Guiden is the Digital Media Manager for the International Food Information Council Foundation. In her role, she manages social media for IFIC and the Foundation, while overseeing digital marketing and promotion. Originally from Philadelphia, PA, Kamilah received her Bachelor of Arts in English and Political Science at Temple University. Afterwards, she earned her Master’s in Library Science at Catholic University of America. She has worked in digital marketing and communication for the last four years. When she’s not at work, she enjoys hanging out with her dogs, blogging, and doing yoga.

For more healthy dining options check out these other tasty ideas from Together Counts!

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