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Halting the Rise of Obesity by 2020

Every day, Americans take in an average of 100 calories more per day than they need. If we reduce that number, we can halt the rise of obesity by 2020.

In May 2010, the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation made a commitment to First Lady Michelle Obama and the Partnership for a Healthier America to reduce 1.5 trillion calories from the marketplace by the end of 2015.

On January 9, 2014, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, an independent evaluator, confirmed that the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation had in fact reduced 6.4 trillion calories from the marketplace per year, exceeding the commitment by 400%.

The 6.4 trillion calorie goal represents a reduction of 78 calories per person per day, which includes adults and children. A study by Claire Wang, MD, ScD, Tracy Orleans, PhD and Steven Gortmaker, PhD that appeared in the May 2012 American Journal of Preventative Medicine concluded that in order to close the “energy gap” for children, a  reduction of 41 calories per child and adolescent per day would halt rising obesity levels in the United States. Additionally, James O. Hill, PhD has documented that reducing an average of 100 calories per adult per day will close the adult energy gap.

So what can we do to cut calories and begin closing the gap? Look no further than your own home! Through balanced meals and family activity we can achieve a healthy, active lifestyle just by biking, dancing, watching portion sizes and eating the rainbow. For example, did you know that walking burns 272 calories an hour? Or that staying hydrated keeps you feeling fuller?

Together we’ve made great strides, but we aren’t done yet. Tell us how you can cut 100 calories from your day in the comments below!

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