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Healthy Habits for the New Year

Happy New Year! January is a perfect time to renew goals that may have fallen by the wayside during the craziness of the holiday season. Like most families, you have probably set a few resolutions for yourself in 2018. If being a healthy and active family is on the list, you have come to the right place.

With 2018 underway, incorporate these tips into your family’s schedule to keep living a healthy active lifestyle this winter.

1. Start small. Don’t get ahead of yourself and endeavor to revamp your whole routine. Start by adding one small change at a time. This way these changes are more likely to stick with you throughout the whole year.
2. Let it snow! Don’t stay stuck in the house– bundle up and get outside. Take the kids sledding, build a snowman, or host a neighborhood igloo making contest or snowball fight. When bedtime comes and the kids go right to sleep, you won’t regret it. Live in a balmier climate? Have an indoor “snow ball” fight by crumpling up old newspapers into balls. Then for fun serve hot chocolate afterwards!
3. Cook with the kids. Pull the kids into the kitchen and have them help cook dinner for the family. Some kid friendly meals include make your own veggie pizza or a taco salad bar! For more tips, check out this blog, Creating Memories in the Kitchen with Your Kids, from our partners at the National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association.
4. Incorporate the kids into your exercise routine. Have you hit the ground running with getting healthy in the new year? Set a healthy example and bring the kids along with you on your morning or evening walk. Including kids early on will create healthy adults.

For additional tips on living a healthy and active lifestyle this winter, visit the Together Counts™ blog and follow the Together Counts program on Facebook and Twitter.

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