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Jump into a Healthy and Active June

SCHOOL IS OUT! The weather is warm and the kids are home. It is summer! This new season brings so many fun outdoor acitvities you can do as a family. Summer also provides an array of new menu ideas for your family meals. Whether you’re grilling out or tasking the kids with picking the veggies for the salad, make your meals a family affair.

Looking to keep the kids on a healthy and active track? Incorporate these activities into your schedules for a fun and fit season.

1. Pool time! Some days bring higher temperatures than others. On those extra hot days, take the kids to a nearby pool. They will have a blast AND it will tire them out. That’s a win win! If the pool is not an option set up a sprinkler or water hose in the backyard and have a family water fight.
2. Grill out! Whether it’s grilled chicken, veggie kabobs or a turkey burger, there are so many delicious and healthy dinner swaps to try this summer when the family decides to heat up the grill.
3. Take a bike ride! Summer is a great time to explore new bike routes around town. Don’t forget your helmets!
4. Have a backyard campout! The kids won’t know what hit them when you pop the tent and let them sleep or spend a few eveing hours outside under the stars. Don’t forget the ghost stories, S’mores and star naming game to really round out the evening. If a game of flashlight tag breaks out, even better.

For additional tips on living a healthy and active lifestyle, follow the Together Counts program on Facebook and Twitter.

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