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Move, Move, MOVE! 5 Tips on Keeping Your Family Active In the Winter Months

The weather is a getting a little chilly and our schedules a bit more hectic but winter is a great time to be active with your family! It isn’t a time to hibernate! Making time for physical activity, even in the cold, is important to make sure our kids grow up fit and healthy. By making exercise a family affair, we are not only showing our children that we care about their health, but we care about our own health, as well! However, when temperatures start to dip, it is important to be creative and take precautions. I follow these tips for my family and I hope they inspire you and your family to get up and go!

Think Outside of the Box. Cooler weather doesn’t have to deter from fun and fitness! Planning a nature hike or biking a new trailare fun ways to fit some physical activity into our busy schedules. Ready to kick it up a notch when it’s colder? Try building a snow man, sledding, ice-skating or something new and different like snowshoeing!

Stay hydrated. Despite cool temperatures, it is important to drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after the activity. Be sure to pack healthy snacks, too. My family loves chilled grapes, yogurt, and carrot and celery sticks.

Layer Up! Dress for the weather. Being prepared for colder weather and the elements (whether it be rain, snow or sleet!) is important when planning your outdoor activities. Make sure to be prepared for the worst while hoping for the best!

Protect your family from the sun. Sure, the Winter sun may not feel like it can do much damage to your skin—but it can! Make sure you apply water-resistant sunscreen and wear wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses.

If all else fails, take it indoors! Sometimes, the weather conditions outside are too rough so we have to take it indoors. A visit to your local recreation center or YMCA can do the trick. Enrolling in an exciting class or volunteering will excite both children and adults. We love going roller-skating, swimming, indoor sports parks, or even walking the mall! Even household chores can be fun and made into a fitness circuit including jumping jacks, push-ups—anything that gets everyone moving!

These are just a few tips to keep your family active and safe this winter. How will you stay active with your family?

Finding balance as a working mother and wife while eating healthier and living an active lifestyle are top priorities for Aliah Davis-McHenry, also known as The Get Fit Diva. When Aliah isn’t running her public relations and digital marketing firm, teaching Zumba, trying out new fitness trends, creating new dishes and cooking her family’s favorites, she writes about her love of life, family, fitness and food on Chronicles of a (trying to be) Fit Diva—a supportive community for ALL on a healthier living journey.

For more family winter activities check out these resources from Together Counts:

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