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The 3 Truths for Keeping Healthy Goals Going Strong

“People often say motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” This popular Zig Ziglar quote holds especially true this time of year when the New Year’s resolution “honeymoon period” is starting to wear off. If your family’s motivation is starting to taper, you’re not alone. An article in the Wall Street Journal, featured earlier this year, shared that check-ins on Facebook to facilities with “gym” or “fitness” in the name drop 10% in the spring. The good news is there are certain truths you can keep in mind to help keep your family’s goals realistic and healthy habits going strong.

Truth # 1: You won’t always feel like working out. The important thing is to show up and do what you can even if you’re unable to give 100 percent. Any activity is better than no activity and even just gathering the family together to go for a walk or jog will help.

Truth # 2: Energy balance is key. Part of why some health-related New Year’s Resolutions are doomed from the get-go is because we tend to demand nothing short of perfection from ourselves. If we splurge on snacks or gain weight after the weekend, we beat ourselves up and throw in the towel on our goals. One indulgence is not going to cause weight gain. Find ways to follow the 80/20 rule of choosing healthy options 80 percent of the time and leaving 20 percent for a little wiggle room balanced out by physical activity

Truth # 3: You’re in this for the long haul. In order for healthy goals to turn into habits, we have to make sure we’re doing something that we enjoy and can commit to long term.

Motivation, like most things in life, has its ups and downs. Just remind yourself and your family of why your goals are important for everyone’s health, accept that you are human and no one is perfect, and know that every day is a fresh start.

Maggie Thorison is the Wellness Manager for TOPS Club, Inc., a nonprofit weight-loss support organization with thousands of chapters throughout the United States and Canada. Maggie has a passion for fitness and wellness and shares healthy tips for the workplace and everyplace in her bi-weekly Wellness Wednesday blog.

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