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5 Ways to Close Out Summer

As we turn our calendars to August, whether we are ready or not, the first day of school and end of summer is right around the corner. Looking ahead to the final weeks, there is still plenty of time for some unique summer fun while you have the kids home.

Check out these five summer tips to squeeze some additional fun into the final weeks of summer.

1. August 3rd is National Watermelon Day. Celebrate by adding this as a snack or side for lunch or dinner. After you finish eating, challenge the kids to a watermelon seed spitting contest, or carve out a large block for sculpting—eating while creating!
2. Create a scavenger hunt by hiding household items or toys around your yard. Write down a list of things hidden (so nothing gets forgotten!) and give the kids clues. The alternative is hiding “treasure” all in one spot but make a map for your young pirates to follow.
3. Beat the August heat and catch up on the summer reading with the kids at your local library. A lot of community libraries host great activity days to encourage reading for children when they are out of school.
4. Don’t forget to stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water. Add some fun and color into quenching your thirst by tossing in slices of fruit or better yet freeze fruit in ice cube trays for added chill.
5. Sleep outside. Pitch a tent and roll out the sleeping bags for a night under the stars. Backyard camping is a great summer activity. For more tips, check out National Wildlife Federation’s Great American Campout resources.

Join the conversation and get additional ideas for summer fun from this HWCF authored Huffington Post blog, Get Your Family Off the Couch This Summer With These 5 Simple Tips. Also, make sure to follow the Together Counts™ program on Facebook and Twitter.

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