Healthy On the Road: Ways to Stay on Track on Vacation

By: Kristen Castillo
Summer is here but that doesn’t mean you have to let unhealthy habits sidetrack your fit lifestyle. Getaways, road trips and play days in the park or beach don’t have to be about greasy, salty or sugary treats. Instead pack your days with nutritious foods and fun activities.
Whether you’re traveling close to home or far away, make sure you’re prepared to make the healthiest choices.
Avoid Snack Attacks. Anticipate your hunger by packing nutritious meals and snacks to nibble on when you’re away from home. That way you’ll eat sensibly when you’re hungry. Fruits, nuts and popcorn are portable and make great snack choices, especially when traveling.
Drink Up! Sure you may have an umbrella drink while traveling but make sure you’re drinking lots of H2O. You’ll need the hydration, especially on hot days. Remember sometimes when you’re hungry, you may actually just be thirsty.
It’s OK to Treat Yourself. Vacation is a special occasion and it’s OK to treat yourself as long as you don’t over do it. Plan for a few indulgences during your travels. For example if you love ice cream, save your indulgence for a scoop of your favorite flavor. If the host city is known for chocolate, plan to try a candy or two during your stay.
Share It. Can’t resist that cheesecake at dessert? Those nachos appetizers? Don’t beat yourself up. Instead, share them with friends. Often a bite or two of the tasty dishes is enough to satisfy a sweet or a salty craving.
Pre-Plan Your Menu. Going out to eat? Before you even step foot inside the restaurant, know what wholesome meal you’ll order. Plan ahead by researching nutritious choices on You’ll be in-the-know about the best choices for you, which may help you avoid the temptation to eat more decadent dishes.
Sample Local Flavor. Stop by a nearby Farmer’s Market for fresh, nutritious summer fruit and veggie selections, including berries, melons, cucumbers and more. You’ll get a feel for your local surroundings and a good-for-you nosh too.
Be Active. Whether you’re working out at the hotel gym, strolling down the beach or swimming in a pool, make time for exercise this summer. You’ll feel strong and fit. Plus it may decrease bloat and is sure to help boost energy.
Get Your Zzz. When you’re tired, it might be harder to resist eating. In a sleep study of young adults, participants with a maximum of 4.5 hours of sleep at night, ate 400 more calories in snacks than their peers who slept 8.5 hours.
So no matter what’s on your travel itinerary, be sure to book time for rest. Get a good night’s sleep and schedule a nap at the pool, shaded of course!
What’s your favorite way to stay energized and focused on a healthy lifestyle while you’re on vacation?
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