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Student Body Program

The FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) Student Body National High School winner in Lake Stevens, Washington created the tagline #uwin through Student Body. Student Body helps young people make informed, responsible decisions about their health; provides youth opportunities to teach others; and encourages youth to develop and continue healthy lifestyles, as well as develop communication and leadership skills. Lake Stevens developed and taught Student Body lessons in 18 high school classes. These lessons focused on nutrition, portion size, the importance of exercise, the value of making healthy decisions, eating disorders, and the value of preparing and eating meals together as family. In addition, they created an age appropriate lesson plan for third grade students about MyPlate guidelines, FCCLA@TheTable, and how to handle bullying.

Similar to how the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation’s Together Counts Program encourages a healthy, active lifestyle, Student Body focuses on active and healthy living in all aspects of your life. With new focuses on mental and emotional health, the new Student Body program targets the student as a whole, not just what you eat and how often you exercise. The Student Body program is divided into four topic areas:

  1. The Healthy You: Explore nutrition, healthy snacks, sleep, healthy habits, consequences of negative behaviors, and more.
  2. The Fit You: Take action related to lifelong fitness, injury prevention, relaxation, and more.
  3. The Real You: Choose a healthy lifestyle by taming fears, being aware of disorders, understanding family history, and more.
  4. The Resilient You: Focus on mood choice, emotional intelligence, positive relationships, body image, stress management, and more.

FCCLA’s focus for this year is all about EMPOWERMENT. Their upcoming National Cluster Meetings will feature workshops on each of the 4 units of Student Body as well as other topics focusing on Leadership and Community Service. These workshops will be presented by FCCLA members.  Additional focus workshops are created and presented by members and partners to showcase new ideas and trends in Family and Consumer Sciences. Members will also show their use of different topics from Student Body and how it benefitted their schools and communities.  We look forward to seeing you at one of these National Cluster Meetings, for more information visit the FCCLA website: www.fcclainc.org/meetings.

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a national Career and Technical Student Organization that provides personal growth, leadership development, and career preparation opportunities for students in Family and Consumer Sciences education. FCCLA’s mission is to promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education. Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner and community leader, members develop skills for life through: character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.

For more healthy ideas take a look at these other blogs from Together Counts!

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