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Tips to Snack Responsibly

Snacking can either make or break your diet by helping to keep hunger in check or causing you to consume many unwanted calories. Constant snacking is one of the easiest ways to run up your daily calorie count and ultimately ruin your diet. While smart snacking is not bad, as we partner with the nationwide Together Counts™ program, we want to explain the importance of learning how to snack responsibly and in a way that encourages a positive overall diet. The tips listed below will help you to be mindful of what you are consuming the next time you’re snacking.

  • Slow Down. By eating foods that take time to peel or crack open, it allows your body time to digest and feel full. In the end, you’ll end up eating less than if you were eating on the run.
  • Portion it Out. Taking time to plate your snack and sit at the table while you eat it will cause you to savor the flavor that much more than if you mindlessly ate the same snack out of the bag it comes in. This way you will be more satisfied.
  • Set a Limit for Yourself. Setting a limit is one way that you can control what you eat and eat in moderation. If you select a reasonable portion, you will be able to snack without feeling as guilty. This takes a lot of self-discipline but it will be worth it in the end.
  • Distract Yourself. By distracting yourself, it causes your mind to think of something besides food. Things like painting your nails, going for a walk, or playing with your dog are all ways that can help you forget about that cookie on the counter.
  • Don’t Buy Food You’ll Give In To. Simply not buying the snacks as often that you’ll give into temptation for is the best way to avoid eating them. If they are not in the house, it will make avoiding the temptation that much easier.
  • Thirst is often confused with hunger. Before snacking, try hydrating with a glass of liquids and waiting five minutes, chances are you will not be hungry still.

Now not all snacking is bad, but it is important to keep in mind what you are eating and how much of it you are actually consuming.

Established in 1968, Camp Shane is the premiere and longest running weight loss camps for girls, boys, teenagers & young adults They encourage and teach their campers that leading a healthy lifestyle and losing weight can still be fun! To learn more visit www.campshane.com

For more smart eating ideas take a look at these other posts from Together Counts!

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