HWCF companies reduced 6.4 trillion calories from the U.S.

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Do Young Children Need Physical Education?

by Together Counts PartnerMay 11, 2017

As a parent, sometimes the things you hear experts say about children’s health, and the things you observe in your own kid(s), can seem conflicting. Here’s the thing about physical […]


Giving Kids Safe Spaces To Play

by Together Counts PartnerMay 4, 2017

Working with Together CountsTM, the U.S. Soccer Foundation is excited to promote healthy and active lifestyles for youth and the importance of having a safe place to play. Having safe […]


Four Healthy Avocado Snacks

by Together Counts PartnerMay 2, 2017

Along with kale and hazelnuts, avocados seem to be the pop-food of the decade. With avocado recipes in high demand, it can be difficult to distinguish which options are the […]


8 Things You Should Know When Preparing for Your First 5K

by Together Counts PartnerApril 27, 2017

Running your first 5K can be an intimidating goal for girls and adults alike. Each year, thousands of Girls on the Run participants cross the finish line of their first […]


Preparing Your Child for Tryouts or Auditions

by Together Counts PartnerApril 25, 2017

  The trend toward specialization and heightened competition in kid’s activities has significantly increased the likelihood your child will be expected to participate in a tryout or an audition. This is […]


10 Tips to Improve Your Family’s Overall Health

by Together Counts PartnerApril 18, 2017

Making healthy, active choices is always easier when you have a strong support system. That’s one of the reasons I launched the first-ever 4-H Healthy Living blog: to create a […]


Inclusive PE: What You Need to Know

by Together Counts PartnerApril 11, 2017

Is Inclusive Physical Education taught in your child’s school? As a partner of the Together Counts™ program for healthy, active living, we’re here to provide you with helpful information about […]


Engaging Youth in After-School Programming

by Together Counts PartnerApril 6, 2017

The most critical part of a child’s day begins after the final bell rings. Nevertheless, engaging them in physical activity on their own is not always easy. In partnership with […]


Airplane Noises and Flying Vegetables: How To Sneak In Workouts

by Together Counts PartnerApril 4, 2017

I tell people to find their underlying motivation for working out – their “Why.” The Why helps you get through the What – whatever it is you don’t really want […]


4 Questions and Answers about Protein

by Together Counts PartnerMarch 28, 2017

All calories come from four places in our diets: carbohydrates, fat, protein and alcohol. In the 1990s, low-fat diets and foods were everywhere you turned and, more recently, carbs have […]